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Style Tips for the Plus Size and Big & Tall

Rae LaShae

Summer time is here and I hope you've been serving looks, no matter what size you are. This whole new air of body confidence has truly given me lifeeeee. I love scrolling my timeline and seeing realistic bodies. Real bodies are the MVP's. Anywaydoe, if you're like me, you like to keep your summer wardrobe cute, cozy and cool. Today I'm going to share a few of my summer style tips that I live by. As always, take what you need and leave what you don't for your neighbor. Hopefully you find a tip or 2 that make your summer styling a tad easier and packed with confidence.

This blog has manners, so ladies first lol (If you're here for the man advice, skip down):

1. Make Sure the Foundation is laid'T

The correct undergarments can make or break a look. Everyone knows that foundation is mad important. Now some women like to let the girls run free in the summer but if you're like me, you like to have that support that a bra gives. So first things first, make sure you get an up-to-date bra fitting. This is a sure-fire way to make sure the girls are sitting pretty. Personally, this summer I've opted for the bralette look. Not only do I get the coverage and support but bralettes also give a pop of layering with certain styles

As for the bottom half of our bodies lol: If you have thick thighs like I do and can't stand when they rub together too much, you can wear cotton biker shorts under your dresses to avoid chaffing and just incase the wind blows, you're covered!

**Cotton fabrics are also more breathable than those sisters, poly & ester lol. They help reduce the sweating and stickiness**


2. Find Clothes that Flatter your Shape

Plus size women come in all shapes and sizes. You'll be surprised to know that there are about 7 different "curvy shapes" so far. Find your fit and dress it well to flatter all of your assets.


3. Dress the Body You Have NOW!

We all know that when summer is on the horizon, the gyms are going crazy. While better health is always the goal, we're not all going to look like IG models, and we shouldn't want to. We've been blessed with this temple. So until we reach our #BodyGoals, we have to give summer whatever body we have in stock. So dress it well and make it count!


Now, my advice for the men. I'm not a man lol, but I have a man, and he's "Big & Tall" so here are a few tips that we've put together to help you all through the summer!

1. Add Bright Colors to Your Wardrobe!

Everyone already knows that black absorbs heat so add some splashes of color to your summer wardrobe to give it a bright spin. Warmer colors, warmer energy. And I'm sure this will help you catch the eyes of the ladies


2. Add Prints There use to be tons of advice about not wearing certain prints because they make you look round or huge, but we're wayyy past that advice. It's 2018 and what is summer without a few fun prints. Experiment with different types of prints. You could also take it a step farther and combine the bright colors with the prints. Trust me, it's worth it


3. Dress to Fit Your Shape

Just like with plus size women, Big & Tall comes in a few different versions so it is imperative that you select pieces that fit and flatter


4. Don't be Afraid to Try New Fashion Trends

I know, I know, some stuff seems a little risky for men of certain statures, and yes, everything isn't for everyone, but guess what? You won't know until you try!

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